This blog aims to be open to everyone, not only iScsc members.
Here is a little tutorial to show how to write and publish your own article 😉

It is composed of 4 sections:

I STRONGLY recommend you to read every NOTE at each section’s beginning, often it will save you valuable time :slight_smile:

Also as stated later, if you’re struggling with something, you can contact me on Discord: ctmbl or open an Issue on the GitHub repository.

DISCLAIMER: This article has been written for git/GitHub beginners, to publish through the GitHub’s web interface. If you’re used to git cloning and GitHub’s forking and PR mechanisms you can create the Pull Request as you’re used to!

1- Write your post in markdown

NOTE: if you’re already used to Markdown you can skip to section 2 :slight_smile:

Of course this is the first step, write an article in markdown format (the format used in GitHub, Discord,…): .md.
Basically the only things you need to know are:

  • Huge titles with: # My HUGE Title, lesser big with ## Still big title, and so one up to ###### really small title
  • bold with **bold**, italics with *italics*
  • lists with
My list:
 - blabla
 - blala 2
  • next paragraph by letting an empty line
  • hyperlinks with [some blabla](
  • images with ![](image.png)
  • inline code with `inline code`
  • code section with:
`` `py  
import pwn   
\# python code you got it  
`` `
Note: remove the whitespace : `` ` -> ``` I wrote it that way because it would be
interpreted as code section otherwise...

An online markdown editor to get used to it:
There is also a VSCode extension to render markdown in VSCode: Markdown All in One.

2- Write the header

NOTE: if this step bothers you, just go to the next one and we’ll figure it out later during the review process

The header contains all the information about your post: author, title, summary, date,…
It has basically this format:

title: "Publish your own post! (in Markdown)"
summary: "How to write, in markdown, and publish an article on the iScsc blog through GitHub's Pull Requests"
date: 2023-11-30T17:52:09-02:00
lastUpdate: 2023-11-30T17:52:09-02:00
tags: ["iscsc","blog","posts","markdown"]
author: ctmbl
draft: false

These are the mandatory information, please fill in with your information and place it at the very beginning of the file!

3- Publish your post!

You’ve reached it! The last and final step :slight_smile:

NOTE: if you’re struggling with GitHub: don’t give up!
You can contact me on Discord: ctmbl or open an Issue on the GitHub repository, I’ll happily walk these steps with you!

3.1- GitHub Account

To publish your post you’ll only need one thing: a GitHub account, you can create one.

3.2- Fork

Once you’ve created it:

Congrats! you’ve created your own copy of the blog!

3.3- Upload and Branch

Now, you should be on GITHUB USERNAME/, go there if you’re not and:

  • click Add file then Upload files

  • then drag your new post in the box (or add it with choose your files)

  • select Create a new branch... (the name don’t matter)

  • click Propose changes

3.4- Pull Request

OK, let’s wrap up a bit, here you should already have:

  • created your GitHub account
  • created your fork
  • uploaded your file (and thus created your branch)

Now let’s create the associated Pull Request to finally share your article with the world!

3.4.A- Create PR directly…

NOTE: if you don’t end up on the same webpage than me, skip this subsection and go to OR from the repo's page (subsection 3.4.B).

NOTE 2: if you’re interested in why we’re doing this, git mechanisms (branch, …) and GitHub ones (repos, Pull Requests, Forks), I should write soon an article on the blog

Now that your files are uploaded you should see:

  • click compare across forks (under the cursor on the above screenshot)
  • then change base repository and select iScsc/

Finally the head banner should look something like:

3.4.B- OR from the repo’s page

NOTE: if you’ve done the subsection Create PR directly...’s steps, skip this one

3.5- Write a good Pull Request

The hardest part is done, now just fulfill the title and description of the Pull Request and click Create Pull Request

4- Review

You’ve done it!
For now your part is done, now an admin/maintainer will review (read) your article to ensure everything is OK and will optionally suggest some changes (everything on the GitHub interface), so make sure to check your notifications:, and your article will soon be available on our blog!