Co-Authored with ctmbl

What are forks ?

A quick explanation

To make it simple, forks are copies of a repository you want to work on. This way, you can work on your version of the repository, create branches, experiment stuff, commit and pull request.

On many repositories you will not have the write access. Yet, you can still propose changes by forking the repository, working on it, and when finished, opening a pull request on the original repository you made the fork from.

How to make one

To make a fork of a repository you want to work on, simply go on the github repository page, and press the designated button!

For instance, if you want to propose changes for our game Haunted Chronicles, you can do it this way:

GitHub will ask you to name the fork repository but it have no importance, you can keep the original name.

When it’s done, you will have created a new repository on your own GitHub account:

We can see the original repository it has been forked from, and you can quickly access it through this link.

Working with forks

Now that you have created your own fork, you simply have to experiment on it!

First, clone your fork on your computer with the link of your repository.

git clone <link_to_your_fork>

In this example, <link_to_your_fork> would be

Using the SSH protocol first requires to have set up your SSH key with your github account. If you have not done it yet, you should probably read Github - Create a SSH key and GitHub - Add a new SSH key first.

Then, you can create a new branch by using the command :

git branch <your_branch_name>

You can then place your git HEAD on this new branch by using the command :

git checkout <your_branch_name>

When this is done, you can start working on your code!

Once you have finished your work - or your session - don’t forget to commit your changes after adding your new changes! To do so, first check the differences between your local repository and the remote one with git status and git diff

Then, you can selectively chose which files you want to add to your commit with git add <file1> <file2> ... or you can add them all with git add . (but you shouldn’t, this is really bad practice).

If you have made a mistake, you can revert a git add by using git reset <file1> <file2> ... or git reset to unstage them all. This will keep your local changes.

Don’t hesitate to use git status between each command to clearly see the actual state of your changes. You can also use the magic command git log --graph --oneline --all --decorate to see the actual state of your local and distant repositories in the nicest way!

Be careful, git rm <file> exists but it will permanently remove the file from the repository!

When you have finished staging all your changes, you can commit by using the commit command:

git commit -m <your_commit_name>

Note that commits are intended to be meaningful little piece of code, generally you should create several commits per Pull Request and avoid fat commits
As one says “commit early and commit often”

Note that this will just commit your changes on your local branch. When you want to send these changes to the remote repository, you shall use the push command:

git push origin <your_branch>

git commands are also integrated into some code editors such as VS code, but you should know that it may sometimes do some strange things, and using the terminal commands may make it easier to understand what really happens

Open a Pull Request

When you have a first version of your code and you want to propose your changes to the origin repository, you will need to open a pull request.

To do so, you must first push your branch to the remote repository.
When it is done, go on the origin repository GitHub page, and you will have the possibility to open a Pull Request to merge your changes.

You should see this banner on the GitHub page of your fork and the original repository. You can click on either one.

In fact, you should definitely open your Pull Request before finishing your code, and there are several reasons for that.
It helps with your work’s transparency, but it also allows you to ask for feedback sooner, which could prevent working several hours on something that is wrong from scratch. You will be able to change your code immediately and it could prevent a lot of frustration on your side. Similarly, when working on open source repositories, the owner have the complete right to refuse your change, even if you think your change is right and legitimate. Knowing that it will be refused whatsoever after working an hour on it is definitely easier to accept than after working weeks on your code.

When working on public repositories, but also on your own, it is often a better practice to start by submitting an issue to discuss about it first and informing people about it. When working on huge PRs, it is very important to open it early in order to tell people you are working on it! Just don’t forget to set it as a draft (see below), and ask for reviews when needed!

And don’t worry, you will be able to keep working on your code even after pull-requesting, just create other commits and push as we did before.

You could also mark your PR as a draft to tell your reviewers that you are still working on it by clicking there:

Update your fork

Once your Pull Request have been accepted on the remote origin repository, you may update your fork to the new state of the origin repository.

To do so, you shall :

  • 1 - Go on your fork page on github and press the “Update branch” button:
  • 2 - Then, to update your local copy, you should use these 3 commands:
    • 2.1 - git fetch origin: To download the remote state of the repository to your local github (you may now see it with the git log command we talked about above)
    • 2.2 - git checkout main: To put your git HEAD on your main branch
    • 2.3 - git rebase origin/main: To move your local main to remote reference you have just downloaded


Now you know everything you need to start working with forks. Don’t hesitate to do so on the iScsc repositories if you want to participate in the development of the club!

And if you need more information, don’t hesitate to read the GitHub dedicated article!